These changes will take effect June 1st, 2021 unless the recommendations have been changed by the CDC or Department of Health.
Patient, employee and family safety has always been our top priority and has continued throughout this pandemic. We sincerely appreciate your confidence in our office by allowing us to treat you during this historic time.
By carefully monitoring and adjusting our protocols based on the most up to date recommendations of the CDC and Department of Health we have been able to maintain the highest level of safety.
As restrictions are being eased by the CDC and the Department of Health, we are happy to announce that we will be making the following changes to our check-in process.
COVID screening:


As a reminder, the CDC still recommends that ALL persons continue properly wearing masks (covering nose and mouth) while in health-care facilities, including dental offices, despite their vaccination status. We kindly request adherence to this as well as request continuance of social distancing whenever possible.
We will continue to monitor and adjust our protocols based on the current recommendations and appreciate your confidence in allowing us to treat you and your families during such a unique time.