Dentures are a tried-and-true tooth-replacement solution that has helped countless patients enjoy a confident smile and powerful bite once more. To stay in place, the gum-colored base suctions to the roof and floor of your mouth. While effective, some patients find that denture adhesive can safeguard them from unwanted movement and slippage. If you’re interested in doing the same, it’s important to use it correctly. With this in mind, here are some helpful tips for using denture adhesive!
3 Signs You Should Use Denture Adhesive
As mentioned above, natural suction should hold your dentures in place. However, you may benefit from denture adhesive if:
- You’re struggling with unwanted movement when you laugh, talk, or chew.
- You experience dry mouth, which can make proper suction difficult.
- You’re a singer, athlete, or professional who strains your face frequently.
How To: Apply Denture Adhesive
Applying denture adhesive properly is crucial. The first step is to clean your dentures with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. From there, follow the directions on the packaging of your denture adhesive. Remember, you shouldn’t need much – don’t use more than directed. Lastly, carefully position your dentures before holding them in place. After a few seconds, your dentures will be ready for whatever your day holds!
How To: Remove Denture Adhesive
While there are store-bought products designed to help make removing your dentures a breeze, you don’t need any fancy tools to get the job done. First, use your clean hands to gently massage your gums and loosen your dentures. From there, rinse your mouth and your dentures with clean, running water to remove food particles, plaque, and other debris. To remove any lingering adhesive from your dentures, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to clean each surface. Nightly, you can store them in a denture-friendly cleaner, which will keep them in pristine condition and give your gums a break.
7 Must-Know Tips for Caring for Your Dentures
With proper care, your dentures can last for 10+ years. Here are a few helpful tips to keep yours in exceptional shape:
- Use the right tools, like a dentist-recommended toothpaste that won’t scratch the surface.
- Clean them (and any remaining natural teeth) after each meal or at least twice a day.
- To reduce the number of harmful bacteria in your mouth, clean your tongue regularly.
- Store your dentures properly when they aren’t in use.
- Avoid using products that can warp their shape, like bleach.
- Schedule an appointment with your dentist for any repairs.
- Quit unhealthy habits, like chewing on pen caps.
Denture adhesive can help you chew, laugh, and speak with more confidence – just make sure to use it correctly to keep them in pristine condition throughout the years!
About the Practice
University Dental Group is proud to help nearby patients restore their smiles with lifelike, long-lasting, completely personalized dentures. Plus, we offer morning, evening, and weekend hours, ensuring scheduling an appointment is more convenient than ever before! Our hand-picked team of talented dentists has the experience, training, and passion needed to make the entire experience enjoyable, comfortable, and effective. If you’re interested in learning more about properly using denture adhesive or want to find out if this smile-rebuilding solution is ideal for you, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call 508-960-6495.